Organizing how we think about metabolic health factors
1. Metabolic schematics overview | 2. Factors & interventions | 2.1 Nutrition || 3. Disorders & links to research portal | 3.1 General resources | Metabolic disorders | Neurological conditions | Metabolic components | Brain & mental health | Cancer | Gastrointestinal | Printables || 4. Metabolism | 5. Community, culture & affinity groups | 6. Health literacy resources | 7. Services | 8. Products | 9. Definitions | 10. Foundations & not-for-profits ||
1.0 Metabolic schematics overview
We have found these schematics valuable so we are sharing them with you. Your feedback help us evolve. Use the comment function below or Contact Us.
2.0 Metabolic factors & interventions
These metabolic interventions keep us healthy and can also be used to restore health. We at Metabolic Multiplier find this thought schematic to be a helpful way to view the inter-connectivity of the multiple aspects of this complex system. Many choose one intervention at a time to focus on.

Environmental factors include toxins, food insecurity, adequate sunshine and consistent circadian rhythm.
Bio-individuality – Each person brings a unique set of metabolic factors that require proper assessment. Also, metabolic factors change over time. Hence, please involve your clinician!
Some clinicians refer to nutrition as a prescription strength intervention. For many, changes in nutrition can have the biggest impact. Many begin by reducing sugar and ultra-processed foods.
2.1 Nutrition, an essential ingredient

Restricting eating times often starts with 2-3 meals daily with no snacks.
On Metabolic Multiplier | 2.0 Metabolic factors / interventions || Nutrition | Lifestyle |
3.0 Metabolic disorders & conditions
A variety of disorders correlate with either metabolic health, each other, or the metabolic interventions listed above. Research-based evidence supports each indication and is growing quickly. We’ve worked with Nutrition Network’s Sarah Rice to develop the following categorization system for their metabolic health research portal

Some disorders are widely accepted to have a metabolic component due to ample published evidence. For example, in the Metabolic conditions Schematic 3.0 above “3.2 Metabolic disorders” and “3.3 Neurological disorders” have the strongest evidence. In other cases the evidence of a metabolic link is still emerging, and more research is needed. In schematic 3.0 these are grouped in “3.2 Metabolic components evidence weak or emerging.” More on Metabolic Multiplier | 3.0 Metabolic Disorders: || Alzheimer’s || Depression || Diabetes || Epilepsy || Obesity ||
3.1 General resources on metabolic therapies

3.2 Metabolic disorders – evidence insulin resistance role

More on Metabolic Multiplier || Obesity | Diabetes || Alzheimer’s ||
3.3 Neurological conditions – evidence of role for ketones & insulin resistance

More on Metabolic Multiplier || Alzheimer’s | Ketogenic Diet Therapies ||
3.4 Metabolic components – evidence weak or emerging

3.4.1 Brain & mental health
Evidence emerging of a metabolic component (ketones, insulin resistance) & other hormones.

Using a metabolic therapy to treat metabolically-based mental illnesses. A short video discusses emerging evidence of dramatic improvements and makes the science accessible with Nicholas Norwitz, PhD. More on Metabolic Multiplier | 3.4.1 Depression | Schizophrenia
3.4.2 Cancer
Evidence emerging of metabolic (insulin resistance & ketones) and environmental components

3.4.3 Gastrointestinal
Evidence emerging of metabolic component & food sensitivities

3.5 Printable downloads
Curated research reference resources. We are very excited about having these printables for sharing. Our thanks to Nutrition Network for the professional look and feel!

On Metabolic Multiplier | 3.0 Metabolic Disorders: || Alzheimer’s || Depression || Diabetes || Obesity || Schizophrenia
4.0 Metabolism
Our understanding of human metabolism and its complexities is growing exponentially. Research into human gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota is in its early stages and has already revealed many mechanisms of action. The interactions are complex.

For some disorders the metabolic connection is well established with published evidence. For others the connection is emerging and more research is needed.
On Metabolic Multiplier – 4.0 Metabolism || Layperson terms for ketone body metabolism || Ketosis versus ketoacidosis ||
5.0 Community, culture, and affinity groups
Sustainable change is more enjoyable and effective when it respects culture, community, and lifestyle choices. We at Metabolic Multiplier are diet diplomats. We believe a metabolically healthy lifestyle is derived and sustained with the understanding of a person’s bio-social-cultural individuality. (See Metabolic Schematic 2.0 and 6.0) Below, we dive deeper into some of these relevant affinity groups.

Regional accelerators connect local community members, providers’ and services. For example they might include low-carb practitioners, fitness centers and farmers markets.
On Metabolic Multiplier – 5.0 Community & Culture || Who does diabetes hit hardest? || Black culture || Lifestyle Medicine (Not just for vegetarians!) ||
6.0 Metabolic Health Literacy Resources – Curate metabolic health information
Health literacy education matters. The metabolic health community’s ability to build on each others work should allow us to reach more people. Grounding advice on evidence-based sources is how medicine evolves.
Imagine doctors educating their patients using a “flipped classroom.” They could assign condition-related homework available in a book, podcast or movie/ video. Then patients could discuss this material with their clinicians. Similarly, a teacher might assign a Khan Academy video as homework and then discuss the material or provide assistance with solving problems in class.
- On Metabolic Multiplier – 6.0 Curating best metabolic health literacy resources || Best resources for an overview of keto | Keto diet overviews | Keto support groups | Best keto books for beginners | Keto for Psych || Resources for doctors | Keto CME’s – metabolic syndrome & epilepsy | Keto guidelines | Fasting science | Clinician questions | Marketing your practice | Patient education resources |
7.0 Metabolic health services – provide guidance and coaching
Metabolic Multiplier supports a regional accelerator model. This model integrates low-carb practitioners, specialists, health coaches, and local events. These community-based seeds can grow and support patients locally. See our article on building your treatment team for more complex cases.

On Metabolic Multiplier – 7.0 Metabolic Health Services – Keto doctors near me – 20+ listings: Doctors| Dietitians & Nutritionists | Other coaches & Fitness Experts || Building my keto treatment team || Why write medical case reports about unique cases?
8.0 Metabolic health products
What, when, where and why? Answering these question about any illness or remediation require a bio-individual approach. Measurements are vital for determining metabolic health and improvement opportunities. The underlying causes are specific and can only be addressed through detailed analysis and monitoring. Hence, clinical expertise is recommended when embarking on major changes. For example, Dr. Eric Westman’s description of the ketogenic diet as a prescription-strength intervention.
Bio-individuality – Each person brings a unique set of metabolic factors that require proper assessment. Also, metabolic factors change over time.
9.0 Definitions
In some cases precise definitions of low-carb and metabolic health terms are necessary. A particular word’s definition might include the following:
- Layperson
- Scientific – Emphasis on measurable critera. May include the biochemical processing of organic compounds, medical caveats and special cases.
- Legal (package labeling, etc.) – Lawmakers may appreciate drafted legislation and definitions. It is often easier to edit than to create.
On Metabolic Multiplier – 9.0 Definitions | What is metabolic health? | Lifestyle Medicine (Not just for vegetarians!) | Layperson terms for ketone body metabolism | Ketosis versus ketoacidosis |
10.0 Metabolic health not-for-profits
See the 30+ Foundations & not for-profits supporting Metabolic Health.
Fact checking
Thank you to Christie Barnett and Mani Malagón for their extensive input and fact checking. We build upon the scholarship of many who’ve come before. In Metabolic Interventions (2.0) & Disorders (3.0) we spent over 6 months with Optometrist Sarah Rice, to align and expand our schematics with her extensive curated research section. Our sincere thanks to our other Organizing Research team members, Philip Ovadia, MD and Travis Statham.
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