Category: Sleep

Adequate sleep is a bedrock of metabolic health. Sleep is one of the metabolic factors / interventions help address metabolic conditions like diabetes

metabolic health lean mass hyper responder

What is metabolic health? A biochemist’s definition

It depends on who you ask, but there are some generally agreed upon parameters for measuring metabolic health. It can be measured in our blood or bodies. These medical, physiological and laboratory test markers...

lifestyle medicine

Lifestyle Medicine, the key to metabolic healing

What is lifestyle medicine? Is it metabolic healing? Lifestyle medicine can be the central vehicle for metabolic normalization. Generally speaking, with lifestyle medicine, metabolism is improved with behaviors rather than with the stuff of conventional...

chart that could be in a medical case report

Why write reports about unique medical cases?

Publishing unique case reports in the medical literature helps move mental-health care forward. “I would push you to write up some case reports…. Writing a case report might seem like a waste of time,...

diet and alzheimers mouse model of alzheimers what's good fighting against alzheimers

Might keto therapies help fight Alzheimer’s Disease?

Major Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease Studies show that major risk factors for Alzheimer’s include metabolic, lifestyle and genetic factors: Problems with brain glucose usage related to Alzheimer’s One significant alteration experienced by Alzheimer’s...

woman ketogenic diet depression

Relieving depression with the ketogenic diet?

Perhaps those suffering from treatment-resistant depression could find some relief with the ketogenic diet? Any attempt to try this MUST be medically supervised because there are both psychiatric and metabolic dangers in this dietary...