Category: Lifestyle

Lifestyle is central to metabolic intervention and optimization. It includes habits, attitudes, community & culture.  Lifestyle includes what and when we eat, sleep, exercise, meditation, stress reaction, relationships and more.


diabetes statistics ethnic groups hardest hit

Supporting Metabolic Health in Communities of Color

Future Wish List Food 4 Health Alliance, another lobbying group, has been active. They might be interested in a focus group with Metabolic Health influencers within communities of color. When Metabolic Multiplier published Leaders...

Casey at Mani's keto boot camp

Mani’s “keto boot camp” by Cassey Hauser

My son’s friend, Cassandra Hauser, and I had planned a trip driving through South America in the summer of 2019. But, when my brother’s long-term caregiver became very ill with lung cancer I brought...

1915 Farm Regenerates Bodies & Soil

What does an “organic” label mean on a food package? What about “grass-fed” or “product of the USA” stamps? Do assurances come with a package of “cage-free” eggs? There are other troubling questions. If...

diabetes statistics race ethnicity

Who does diabetes hit hardest?

U.S. Diabetes statistics | hardest hit ethnic groups | Education level | Ethnic group hi’s and low’s | High risk youth groups | Insightful Infographics In the National Diabetes Statistics Report 2020, the Center...

Leaders in metabolic health, keto, and Black culture

Black doctors and executives addressing metabolic health || Cecily Anne Clark-Ganheart, MD | Tony Hampton, MD | || Keto and Black culture Podcasts || Keto & Black culture success stories ||Black Keto Chefs &...

metabolic health lean mass hyper responder

What is metabolic health? A biochemist’s definition

It depends on who you ask, but there are some generally agreed upon parameters for measuring metabolic health. It can be measured in our blood or bodies. These medical, physiological and laboratory test markers...

lifestyle medicine

Lifestyle Medicine, the key to metabolic healing

What is lifestyle medicine? Is it metabolic healing? Lifestyle medicine can be the central vehicle for metabolic normalization. Generally speaking, with lifestyle medicine, metabolism is improved with behaviors rather than with the stuff of conventional...

Submarine breaks through Arctic ice after submerged transit

A Lifetime In Submarines And Isolation for Self-improvement

“You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties—and at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”—VADM James Stockdale, USN

Raj Seth before orange

Raj’s journey: obese & diabetic to healthy

Raj Seth’s notes for his recent podcast on LowCarbMD with Doctors Brian Lenzkes and Jason Fung. Fat as a kid I had always been fat as far back as I can remember. I developed...