Category: Convinced Consumer

Convinced consumers have experienced the efficacy of reduced-carb therapies and lifestyle in treating chronic conditions. Therapeutic Carb Reduction. Therapeutic nutritional ketosis.

40+ Potential Targets of Reduced Carbohydrate Therapies: Neurology, Reproductive Health, Gastrointestinal, Mental Health, Oncology, Pulmonary, & more

Save time with these metabolic health research portals

We’re celebrating our Organizing Research team launching a big project with Metabolic Multipliers Sarah Rice & Nutrition Network. References Resource – Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction Each curated by 40+ conditions with a metabolic component as...

Best keto resources for practitioners in 2024

Keto resources for doctors || Continuing Medical Education (CME): Certification programs | Conferences | Free CME’s || Clinician questions | Fasting science | Deprescribing | Building your practice | || Keto therapy guidelines |...

Leaders in metabolic health, keto, and Black culture

Black doctors and executives addressing metabolic health || Cecily Anne Clark-Ganheart, MD | Tony Hampton, MD | || Keto and Black culture Podcasts || Keto & Black culture success stories ||Black Keto Chefs &...

Keto doctors near me. coach. nutritionist. dietitian.

Keto doctors near me: All of the 20+ directories

There are over 20 practitioner directories that include Keto Doctors near me. They also include dietitians, nutritionists, coaches, fitness experts, and other practitioners | Elimination diets & adapting to your culture & preferences |...

best ketogenic resources

Best resources for carb-reduction therapies

Best keto resources for families and patients: | Keto diet overviews | Keto support groups | Best keto books | Keto for Psych | Low-carb & keto success stories || Best keto resources for...

Building my Keto Treatment Team

How to build my ketogenic therapy treatment team

Building a team to treat any illness with medical ketogenic therapies is often a difficult, multi-step process. Ketogenic dietary intervention is in its early stages in healthcare. Yet research has demonstrated its potential effectiveness...