Category: Success Stories

Reading our metabolic health success stories will help you understand why we volunteer so much of our time as Metabolic Multipliers. Many of us are wounded healers.

Does Keto Hold Promise for T2DM? Cover of Federal Practitioner January 2024

A practical guide to start patients on low-carb therapies

We celebrate a practice-changing publication, Low-Carbohydrate and Ketogenic Dietary Patterns for Type 2 Diabetes Management, in Federal Practitioner for January, 2024.  The Federal Practitioner’s wide-reach includes clinicians within the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department...

AZ Low Carb. Be a Community Catalyst

AZ Low Carb – a community catalyst for metabolic health!

Meet our AZ Low Carb Members on our YouTube channel! These Arizona clinicians & coaches practice reduced carbohydrate therapies to improve metabolic health! Our community includes: With regular volunteers in the state, we reached...

Nicholas Norwitz

Nick Norwitz: an athletic diet?

Nick Norwitz started as a carb-fuled marathon runner. After his lifestyle destroyed his health, he turned to a ketogenic diet to heal.

Casey at Mani's keto boot camp

Mani’s “keto boot camp” by Cassey Hauser

My son’s friend, Cassandra Hauser, and I had planned a trip driving through South America in the summer of 2019. But, when my brother’s long-term caregiver became very ill with lung cancer I brought...

1915 Farm Regenerates Bodies & Soil

What does an “organic” label mean on a food package? What about “grass-fed” or “product of the USA” stamps? Do assurances come with a package of “cage-free” eggs? There are other troubling questions. If...

Submarine breaks through Arctic ice after submerged transit

A Lifetime In Submarines And Isolation for Self-improvement

“You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties—and at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”—VADM James Stockdale, USN

Raj Seth before orange

Raj’s journey: obese & diabetic to healthy

Raj Seth’s notes for his recent podcast on LowCarbMD with Doctors Brian Lenzkes and Jason Fung. Fat as a kid I had always been fat as far back as I can remember. I developed...

Christie Barnett, APN

My mother’s suffering spurred me to find keto

Christie Barnett’s keto journey: Sitting in a nursing home with my dying mother is where it all began for me, Christie Barnett. There she was, a 71-year-old formerly dignified college instructor, stuck in a...