Advocates team up to multiply metabolic health: SMHP, MM & more

We understand the importance of bringing stakeholders together. So, three advocacy groups with similar goals teamed up. Metabolic Multiplier, Metabolic Health Alliance and Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners.
Metabolic Multiplier (MM)
- Mission – Accelerate and mainstream metabolic health practices
- About
- Over 50 volunteers. Founders – Christie Barnett, APN. Cecile Seth, MBA & Program Manager.
- Modeled on accelerators and incubators in the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship vein. A smaller scale Y-Combinator that invests time and expertise instead of dollars.
- Metabolic Multiplier hosts and organizes a series of small working group teams. We program manage projects in collaboration with other metabolic health advocates, whether organizations or individuals.
Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP)
Current focus is on Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction for diseases of insulin resistance. For example type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.*
- Provides a platform for practitioner members.
- Provider directory with rich search capabilities. Includes >1,000 practitioners, >250 members as of 2/2021
- Member-only discussion forums
- Educates and accredits practitioners
- Collaborates and recognizes other providers of Continuing Metabolic Health Education. Nine entities as of 2/2021.
- Accredits practitioners (Pathways include Training, Clinical Experience, Academic / Research, Fellowship, Honorary)
- Sanctions guidelines and tool kits
- Establish a standard of care for carbohydrate restriction interventions.
- Maintain clinical guidelines for therapeutic carbohydrate reduction.
- Materials for patient, public, policymaker, and practitioner education
- Membership-based not-for-profit. Enables SMHP to engage professional web developers, graphic designers, and audio-video talent.
- Founders – Doug Reynolds & his wife, Pam Devine. Practitioner-focused Board.
- Leadership overlaps with that of the for-profit Low Carb USA. They provide Continuing Metabolic Health Education.
* For medical ketogenic dietary therapies for epilepsy, neurological disorders and certain cancers, please see Matthew’s Friends and the Charlie Foundation.
Metabolic Health Alliance (MHA)
- Dedicated to the academic discussion of nutrition and its relationship to health.
- Refine metabolic health concepts in the scientific community
- Support other metabolic health advocacy groups. These include Metabolic Multiplier teams and the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners. Liaisons are frequent participants and editors.
- David Pendergrass, PhD. Founding Member, Administrator and Liaison
- Nicholas Norwitz, PhD. Liaison. Writer.
About – Includes a very active Google Group, “LCHF Discussion Group”. It is by invitation only.
Timeline of Advocacy Group Collaboration
- MHA founded, 2/2018. Over 100 members in 2/2021
- MM co-founders began volunteering with clinicians & researchers, Cecile full time. 3/2019.
- MM founded, 2/2020. Organizing volunteers since 3/2019. Modeled on a previous community organization effort,
- MM & MHA collaboration began in 7/2020. A group of ~30 participants.
- Doug Reynolds of SMHP (LowCarb USA) joined 8/2020
- Collaborate and support other advocacy groups. Nutrition Coalition, Nutrition Network, Keto Mojo & Ketogenic Foundation, Atkins.
- Society of Metabolic Health Practitioner website launched in 12/2020
Learn more …
Curate existing resources
- Using metabolic schematics to organize our thinking about metabolic health.
- Best Keto Resources
- Best resources for an overview of keto – for families and patients: Keto diet overviews | Keto support groups | Best keto books for beginners. Keto for Psych
- Doctors & practitioner resources
- Keto doctors near me
- Affinity Groups| Black culture | Most under-served groups | We need you!
- Definitions
- Layperson terms for ketone body metabolism
- Ketosis versus ketoacidosis
- What is metabolic health
- Lifestyle Medicine (For vegetarians, omnivores & carnivores)