Tagged: Adele Hite

Blog posts written by or heavily influenced by Adele Hite

can low carb agree to disagree. pic of river winding into the sunrise

Can Low-Carb agree to disagree on these 12 topics?

There are many camps within the low-carb community with differing views. These differences are most likely to occur in areas where the science is not yet settled.  Consensus to collaborate is important in a...

What is Metabolic Health?

What is metabolic health? In plain language.

Do you want to know if you are metabolically healthy? It’s an easy question to answer, even without a visit to your doctor’s office.  1. Do you have a lot of belly fat?   If...

MHA SMHP MM Metabolic Health Alliance Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners

Advocates team up to multiply metabolic health: SMHP, MM & more

We understand the importance of bringing stakeholders together. So, three advocacy groups with similar goals teamed up. Metabolic Multiplier, Metabolic Health Alliance and Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners. Metabolic Multiplier (MM) Society of Metabolic...