Category: Case Reports

Does Keto Hold Promise for T2DM? Cover of Federal Practitioner January 2024

A practical guide to start patients on low-carb therapies

We celebrate a practice-changing publication, Low-Carbohydrate and Ketogenic Dietary Patterns for Type 2 Diabetes Management, in Federal Practitioner for January, 2024.  The Federal Practitioner’s wide-reach includes clinicians within the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department...

40+ Potential Targets of Reduced Carbohydrate Therapies: Neurology, Reproductive Health, Gastrointestinal, Mental Health, Oncology, Pulmonary, & more

Save time with these metabolic health research portals

We’re celebrating our Organizing Research team launching a big project with Metabolic Multipliers Sarah Rice & Nutrition Network. References Resource – Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction Each curated by 40+ conditions with a metabolic component as...

chart that could be in a medical case report

Why write reports about unique medical cases?

Publishing unique case reports in the medical literature helps move mental-health care forward. “I would push you to write up some case reports…. Writing a case report might seem like a waste of time,...

Doris schizophrenia remission

Doris’s chronic schizophrenia remission brings hope

Did keto cure her schizophrenia? Starting at the end, Doris ended up ok. Her ketogenic diet put her schizophrenia into remission. Remission is not a cure, but a state where the disease symptoms reverse. ...