Angela Stanton, PhD

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Dr. Angela Stanton PhD


Accepting new patients?
Yes, patients/clients
Accepting new opportunities? Yes...
Complex Patient Consultations, Editing & Reviewing, Speaking / Help a Reporter, Writing - Academic, Surprise me!
Roles - Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) Treatment Team
Metabolic Health Coach (Facilitates dietary & lifestyle changes)
Medical conditions:
General metabolic health, Connective Tissue (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, MCAS), Gastrointestinal (Crohn’s; GERD; IBS), Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Migraines & Headaches
Medical Nutrition Therapies
Ketogenic Diet Therapies (KDT) e.g. epilepsy, Therapeutic nutritional ketosis, Time restricted eating & therapeutic fasting, Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR)
Metabolic Interventions (in addition to nutrition)
Sleep, Movement, exercise, nature, Managing stress, Reducing harmful substances, Circadian rhythms, Mindfulness, emotions, thoughts, Relationships, experiences, purpose, Other
Cultural competencies...
African-American, African Continent, Asian, South Asian (Indian Subcontinent), Hispanic / Latina / Latino, Indigenous / First Peoples / Native American, Multiracial, Middle Eastern, Elders, Veteran or active military, Youth
Other specializations
Virtual or In-person?
Metabolic Multiplier teams (volunteer)
Clinical Protocols & Toolkits., Practice Innovators, Science Education

Dr. Angela Stanton focuses on migraine cause, prevention, and treatment without the use of medicine.  Lifestyle interventions including improving metabolic health through nutrition and balancing electrolytes.

Dr. Stanton's background

A lifelong migraine sufferer, in 2008 she took early retirement from her academic career and has become an avid researcher of migraines. Her efforts of understanding the cause of migraines have been assisted by thousands of migraine sufferers around the world.

Book - Fighting the migraine epidemic

Dr. Stanton's book, Fighting The Migraine Epidemic: Complete Guide. How to Treat & Prevent Migraines Without Medicines, established her as a leader in the field of migraine research. She published the 1st edition in 2014 and the second edition in 2017. She now teaches migraine sufferers and healthcare providers all over the world about how to abort and prevent migraines without medication.


Angela A Stanton, PhD, MS, MBA, BSc., has earned her doctorate in NeuroEconomics (experimental neuroscience using economic models) and is also fMRI certified, having earned the following degrees: PhD Claremont Graduate University in Economics with dissertation in neuroscience; fMRI certification at Harvard University, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging; MS in Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University; MBA at UCR; BSc Mathematics, UCLA. Dr. Stanton focused her doctoral research on understanding how human decision-making is influenced by neurotransmitter changes. She ran clinical trial experiments, gaining an appreciation of the role hormones play in emotional and physiological decisions.

Metabolic Multiplier Teams

Dr. Stanton has been an active member of our Science Education, Clinical Protocols & Toolkits, & Practice Innovators teams


Cecile Seth | October 13, 2022
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