Category: Metabolism

Metabolic processes generate Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) an energy carrier. There are two types of metabolic process, catabolic and anabolic. Catabolic processes break down molecules and produce energy while anabolic processes create molecules and require energy to do so, involving carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and ketones. Regarding anabolic processes, gene expression helps to determine the specific compounds that can synthesized.

Navdeep S. Chandel (2015). Navigating Metabolism. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY. p. 9.  See chapter 1 “What is Metabolism?

Making ketosis & ketoacidosis easy to understand

Hypoglycemia & hyperglycemia, low or high blood sugar levels, interact with ketone levels to produce either symptomatic or asymptomatic conditions. Layperson definitions & leading-thinker discussion.

metabolic health lean mass hyper responder

What is metabolic health? A biochemist’s definition

It depends on who you ask, but there are some generally agreed upon parameters for measuring metabolic health. It can be measured in our blood or bodies. These medical, physiological and laboratory test markers...