Christie Barnett, APN

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Christie Barnett, APN


Roles - Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) Treatment Team
Metabolic Health Coach (Facilitates dietary & lifestyle changes)
Do you treat patients with mental health issues?
Yes, I'm a mental health professional.
Medical conditions:
Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Mental Health: Stress Management
Medical Nutrition Therapies
Elimination diets (e.g. carnivore), Paleolithic, Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR), Vegetarian
Psychiatry / Psychotherapy
Virtual or In-person?
Metabolic Multiplier teams (volunteer)
Dietitians and Nutritionists (Low-carb), Federal Practitioners (e.g. Veterans Affairs)
Which states are you licensed / active in?
New Jersey

[caption id="attachment_157" align="alignright" width="300"] Christie Barnett, APN[/caption]

Christie Barnett, APN is an Advanced Practice Nurse with over 35 years experience working with people in mental health care, including a private, outpatient psychotherapy practice in Millburn, NJ. As a nurse psychotherapist, Ms. Barnett has an integrative understanding of mental health as a manifestation of one’s overall biological, metabolic, social and psychological well-being.

Nurse Christie’s interest in the ketogenic diet evolved from both personal and professional experiences. Keto since 11/2013. Lost 50 lbs. and reversed pre-diabetes. Her family has lost 130+ Lbs. She is the mom of two 20-somethings. Metabolic Multiplier Co-founder.

Christie's writing


Cecile Seth | October 5, 2022

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